See how last two California jail escapees were caught in San Francisco

Inmates Jonathan Tieu, 20, Hossein Nayeri, 37, and Bac Duong, 43, (L to R)
The last two fugitives who broke out of a California jail last week were arrested on a tip from a man who saw their stolen van in the parking lot of a San Francisco Whole Foods supermarket, authorities said on Saturday, the day after a third escapee turned himself in.
The fugitive inmates had help from a female prison employee who allegedly had sexual relations with one of them. She was sentenced to seven years for her role. 

Nooshafarin Ravaghi, who taught English at the Orange County jail helped the inmates in escaping by furnishing the inmates with Google Maps information that included overviews of the jail rooftop and surrounding areas. She was arrested on Thursday and sentenced to seven years in prison for her role.
The men made their getaway by cutting through steel grating inside the jail, climbing through a plumbing conduit to the roof and lowering themselves four floors to the ground with bedsheets, authorities said. Their disappearance went unnoticed for about 16 hours.
Orange County officials had offered a $200,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the three inmates. On Saturday, Hutchens said she hoped the citizen who reported seeing the van in San Francisco could receive a reward.
Tieu was facing murder charges, and Duong has been charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon, among other crimes. The pair is reputed to be connected with Vietnamese-American street gangs.
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