Kendall Jenner suing skincare company $10m for using her face without permission

Kendall Jenner suing skincare company $10m for using her face without permission.

The documents in the lawsuit points out Kendall has been on the cover of fashion magazines around the world, and would typically earn at least eight figures to pose as the face of a product. It also stated that for such an endorsement, she will charge nothing less than $10 million  so she wants the company to hand over it's profits from the advert which better total at least $10million.

Kendall's lawyer Todd Wilson says,
"The right to associate Kendall Jenner's name and likeness in connection with a product or service belongs solely to Kendall Jenner and is protected by Federal and State law. Today's lawsuit by Ms. Jenner against Cutera, Inc., for the unauthorized use of Ms. Jenner's name and likeness to promote its product should serve notice that Ms. Jenner will vigorously defend her rights under the law."
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