Obama proposes $4.1 trillion spending plan for fiscal year 2017
The proposed $4.1 trillion will be spent on Health care and used to hep the poor. It will also be used for fighting Islamic States which is their priority. Obama's plan also include's raising taxes on Wealthy Americans.
(Reuters) U.S. President Barack Obama proposed a $4.1 trillion spending plan for fiscal year 2017 on Tuesday in a final White House budget that laid out his priorities for fighting Islamic State, raising taxes on wealthy Americans and helping the poor.
The budget for the fiscal year beginning on Oct. 1 is largely a political document and is unlikely to be passed by the Republican-controlled Congress.
But it gives the Democratic president, who leaves office in January, a chance to make a last pitch for funding on issues such as education, criminal justice reform and job creation while taking credit for U.S. economic strides during his tenure.
The spending proposal stayed within the confines of an agreement reached between the White House and Congress last year that lifted mandatory "sequestration" cuts on both defense and domestic spending.
It proposes lifting the limits entirely from 2018.
"My budget makes critical investments while adhering to the bipartisan budget agreement I signed into law last fall," Obama wrote in the budget document. "It also drives down deficits and maintains our fiscal progress through smart savings from health care, immigration, and tax reforms."
The proposed budget envisions a deficit of $503 billion in fiscal 2017 after a $616 billion budget gap in the current fiscal year ending on Sept. 30.
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