One of three Australian men who raped a 17-year-old Norwegian backpacker in the men's bathroom of a bar in Croatia - set free after paying $30,000 to avoid a trial

Three Australian men who pleaded guilty to gang raping a 17-year-old backpacker in Croatia but avoided a trial by paying $30,000 to avoid being jailed have been identified. 

Dylan Djohan, 23, Ashwin Kumar, 23, and Waleed Latif, 21, all from Melbourne, were handed a one-year prison sentence, which was then immediately commuted to a five-year good behaviour bond.

Under a deal between Croatian prosecutors and their defence lawyers, the young men were required to pay the Norwegian girl €20,000  ($31,594)

The rape happened in July 2015 at a late-night bar in the resort town of Split on Croatia's Adriatic Coast.
Croatian womens' rights campaigner Sanja Sarnavka said the state prosecutor should not have sanctioned a financial settlement for a charge of rape, which carries a 15-year prison sentence in Croatia.

"If they can afford it, those who are indicted will pay for the best lawyers, pay the damages and receive a minimum sentence or even go free. In a democratic state, everyone should have the same treatment, regardless of their wealth or assets," Ms Sarnavka told Croatian media last month.
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